Announcement: Vice Provost Liu

April 30, 2018

Dear colleagues,

Please join me in thanking Tsu-Jae King Liu, our Vice Provost for Academic & Space Planning, who has decided to step down this summer after completing her two-year commitment to serve in this position.

Tsu-Jae’s strong leadership has moved us forward in many ways, and I am particularly grateful for her efforts to engage department chairs, deans, and Academic Senate leaders in efforts to streamline the academic program review process and make it a more useful exercise, for her commitment to finding and funding creative solutions to our myriad space challenges, and for her important role in helping the campus coordinate and forge new international partnerships.

We are moving forward quickly to launch the search for Tsu-Jae’s successor and are aiming to have the new vice provost in place by the beginning of the next academic year. I invite you to read the call for nominations and to consider nominating strong candidates for this critical campus leadership position.


A. Paul Alivisatos
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost