Chief Administrative Officers Group

The Chief Administrative Officers (CAO) Group, convened by the Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff to the Provost, serves as a regular forum for senior administrative leaders of Schools and Colleges  to address strategic and operational issues that impact the academic enterprise. The CAO Group mirrors the Council of Deans in terms of membership. The CAO Group helps to maintain communication and coordination amongst the Schools and Colleges as well as between the schools/colleges and central administrative units, providing a forum for CAOs to impact approaches for addressing critical administrative issues.

Office of the EVCP Leads / Support Staff

▪️ Andrea Lambert-Tan, Assistant EVC and Chief of Staff (CAO Group convener)
▪️ Kristine Lee Wilby, Academic Affairs Manager (CAO Group coordinator)
▪️ Sumali Tuchrello, Project/Policy Analyst 

Schools and Colleges - Chief Administrative Officers

▪️ College of Chemistry - Marissa Gardner-Saraf

▪️ College of Computing, Data Science, and Society - Thao Thompson

▪️ College of Engineering - Dat Le

▪️ College of Environmental Design - Susan Retta

▪️ College of Letters and Science - Amy Robinson

▪️ College of Letters and Science, Division of Arts and Humanities - Les Gorske

▪️ College of Letters and Science, Division of Biological Sciences - Heidi Wagner

▪️ College of Letters and Science, Division of Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Wanda Nieters

▪️ College of Letters and Science, Division of Social Sciences - Yeri Caesar-Kaptoech

▪️ College of Letters and Science, Undergraduate Studies - Rebecca Sablo

▪️ Goldman School of Public Policy - Sandi Ketchpel

▪️ Berkeley School of Education - Maya Woodson Turman

▪️ Haas School of Business - Therese Madden

▪️ School of Information - Jenny Collins

▪️ School of Journalism - Jon Phillips

▪️ School of Law - Kristin Theis-Alvarez

▪️ School of Public Health - Seana Van Buren

▪️ Rausser College of Natural Resources - Lee Borrowman

▪️ School of Social Welfare - Dana Kowalski

▪️ Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, Lifelong Learning, and University Extension (SSALLEX)  - Moon Jang-Shinn

▪️ Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science - Monica Porter

Academic Affairs & Campus Support Units - Chiefs of Staff or equivalent

▪️ Academic Senate, Berkeley Division - Jocelyn Banaria
▪️ Graduate Division - Julia Aragon 
▪️ Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost - Kristine Lee Wilby
▪️ Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion - Amber Johnson
▪️ Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research - Elizabeth Brashers
▪️ Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education - Catherine Cronquist Browning
▪️ Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty - Dana Jantz
▪️ Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Planning - Verna Bowie
▪️ University Library - Laura Slakey

If you or your unit would like to request the opportunity to present to or lead a discussion with the CAO Group, please complete this brief request form(link is external)