Dear Colleagues,
Effective the week of October 9, 2023 Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) proctoring services is operating out of the 4th floor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Student Union Building for this academic year. Most exams will take place in MLK and all exam drop-off/pick-up will be in room 414 in MLK. No other processes or exam-requests procedures have changed. For information about how to request proctoring services, please visit the Proctoring page on the DSP website(link is external)
We’d like to thank all involved in finding a short-term solution to fulfill many of our vast proctoring needs. In particular, we’d like to recognize those who led this process, specifically Martha Velasquez and Clifton Damiens, members of the DSP leadership team, and Fabrizio Mejia from the Equity and Inclusion leadership team. We also want to thank our thought partners and units who helped make this possible, including Student Affairs leaders and staff, the Vice Provost of Academic Planning’s team, campus moving services, and all others who had a hand in working through all the complexities of making a good solution possible this year.
Additionally, this year, our offices, in collaboration with the Academic Senate, will be co-convening a proctoring taskforce to address current and future full campus proctoring needs, the resources that will be required, and what space ideas and practices could help us realize the new vision. We will put out a call near the end of semester seeking nominations to serve on the task force. We will also create various mechanisms to gather feedback, needs, and ideas throughout the process to ensure the campus community is heard.
In Partnership,
Benjamin E. Hermalin
Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost
Dania Matos
Vice Chancellor of Equity & Inclusion
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