Spring 2022 Instruction Resources:
Committee Overview
The Instruction Planning committee’s objective is to consider guidance and recommendations about academic policies and instructional strategies, in response to the changing conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. In partnership with the Academic Senate, the Division of Undergraduate Education, the Graduate Division and many other divisions and offices, the committee has developed plans for instructional activities in remote, in-person, and flexible modes spanning the fall 2020, spring 2021 and fall 2021 semesters.
For inquiries related to this committee, please contact evcp@berkeley.edu
- Cathy Koshland, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (Co-Chair)
- Oliver O'Reilly, Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (Co-Chair)
- Andrea Lambert, Chief of Staff, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
- Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, Chair, Academic Senate
- Kristine Lee Wilby, Academic Affairs Manager, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (Staff to the Committee)
- Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, Vice Provost for Academic Planning
- Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate Studies and Graduate Division
- Patrick Holmes, Internal Campus Communications
- Rebecca Sablo,Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance, College of Letters & Sceince
- Rhiannon Lewis, Project Manager/Analyst, Office of the VCUE (Staff to the Committee)
- Ron Cohen,Chair, Academic Senate
- Seamus Wilmot, Director of Parking and Transportation
- Sharon Inkelas, Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty and Interim Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion
- Shawna Dark, Chief Academic Technology Officer and Executive Director of Research, Teaching, and Learning
- TBD, Deputy Campus Counsel
- Walter Wong, University Registrar