Community input requested by 5/30 – Common Calendar Draft Report

March 21, 2025

Dear campus community,

We invite you to provide feedback on the systemwide draft report,Should the University of California Return to a Common Calendar? This draft report was the result of a systemwide joint faculty and administrative Academic Planning Council (APC) work group that “examined the current academic calendars and calendar features that can advance the University’s teaching, research, and public service mission.” This information-gathering initiative is centered on the academic calendars for UC’s nine undergraduate campuses, excluding UC San Francisco and graduate professional programs. The workgroup is compiling this report to address whether UC should adopt a unified academic calendar, but it will not advocate for one calendar option over another.

The UC Office of the President (UCOP) created aQualtrics online survey instrument, and we encourage you to read the draft report and provide input and ideas through Qualtrics. You can also provide feedback by sending an email to UCOP is asking for all feedback to be submitted by May 30, 2025

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the draft report and  provide feedback.

Fiat Lux.

Benjamin E. Hermalin

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Amani Nuru-Jeter

Chair, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate