Events in Washington, D.C.

January 6, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

We are today witnessing disturbing and dangerous events unfold in Washington, D.C. While we are heartened by the quick condemnations of the reckless violence that have come from Republicans and Democrats alike, we also perceive a significant threat to our democracy. 

We now, as a campus community, and as a country, must come together and make clear in no uncertain terms that we cannot tolerate violence, we will not accept disregard for our Constitution, and we must not allow the results of a free and fair election to be overturned.

Let us continue to support our university’s mission that honors and advances truth, justice, and the greater good. Never have these values and aspirations been more important.

Fiat lux,

Carol Christ

A. Paul Alivisatos
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

This message has been sent to all faculty, staff, and students.