Important Reminders - Campus Policies and Guidelines

August 16, 2019

Dear Campus Community,

As we start the fall semester, we call your attention to the following important campus policies and guidelines concerning the academic calendar­­­, academic integrity, and accommodations for students in their academic programs:

  1. UC Berkeley Academic Honor Code

  2. Accommodation of Religious Creed

  3. Conflicts Between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Requirements

  4. Absences Due to Illness

  5. Accommodation for Disability

  6. Accommodation for Pregnancy and Parenting

  7. Reading, Review, Recitation (RRR) Week

  8. Commencement Ceremonies and Final Exams

  9. Accommodation and Support Measures for Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

  10. Hardship Accommodations

Details on the above policies and guidelines, including key dates to keep in mind, are provided on the Center for Teaching & Learning website with references to the full policies.

For a list of religious and cultural holidays for which students may need academic accommodations, refer to the Religious Holidays Calendar. Instructors should also be mindful of APM Policy 015 which details instructional responsibilities with respect to holding class when scheduled and arranging make-up sessions.

If you have additional questions, please contact you in advance for your attention to these policies and guidelines, and for your contributions to the educational mission of the University.

Wishing you a productive and memorable semester,

Paul Alivisatos
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Oliver O’Reilly
Chair, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate