Dear Campus Community,
We are writing to share that Dania Matos stepped down as vice chancellor of equity and inclusion earlier this month to assume the position of vice president for diversity, inclusion and belonging at DePaul University in Chicago.
Through her three years of leadership and staunch advocacy, Berkeley established innovative programs and initiatives to advance equity-based policies and practices throughout the institution, including the strategic framework and praxis of our Thriving Initiatives. With her leadership, Berkeley earned its first Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award and has earned the title consecutively in the years since. Additionally, Berkeley also earned its first Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) Award federal designation and grant, marking a historic moment in our commitment to equity and transformation and establishing our campus as a Minority Serving Institution. Dania created B4: Building Belonging at Berkeley and Beyond, a campus and community-wide series to develop a deeper understanding of structural and internalized oppression. During Dania’s tenure, Berkeley also held its first Becoming an Anti-Racist Campus Virtual Symposium, an opportunity to participate in collective learning and conversations about UC Berkeley’s path to becoming an anti-racist campus. Dania's leadership led to many firsts at Berkeley.
Please join us in expressing appreciation for Dania’s leadership and service and in wishing her the best as she moves on to this next chapter in her career.
Fabrizio Mejia, who is currently serving as the campus's acting vice chancellor for equity and inclusion, will continue serving in this capacity. We are very grateful to Fabrizio for his leadership and service during this time of transition.
In the coming months, consistent with our recent standard nomination and selection practices for interim senior leaders, we expect to share next steps regarding the selection of an interim vice chancellor for equity and inclusion, and subsequently, information about a national search for the permanent position.
Richard K. LyonsChancellor
Benjamin E. HermalinExecutive Vice Chancellor and Provost
This message was sent to all students, staff, faculty and academics