Spring 2021 Instruction Planning - Template Instructions for Tier 0, 1, 2 Course Requests

September 30, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Today, we are sending you a reminder and update about the spreadsheet templates that chairs will receive later today to initiate the chair review process that runs from September 30 at noon through October 7 at noon. 

Spreadsheet Templates

  • Your pre-populated spreadsheet template will be shared as a google sheet from scheduling@berkeley.edu

  • The template will include all courses entered by your department schedulers as Tier 0, 1, and 2 proposed in-person and flexible courses by the Tuesday, September 29, 5:00 pm deadline.

  • After the department data entry deadline (September 29), additions or modifications submitted by close of business on Thursdays will be manually added by the OR Scheduling unit to the templates by the following Monday. An addition is considered late if it is submitted once the Instruction Review Committee has started processing requests (October 16 at 5 p.m.). Instructions to schedulers will follow. 

  • See thespreadsheet guidance for more information.

Requests and Prioritization Reminders 

  • Please identify courses based on your overall departmental priorities. Instructor preference should not be the primary reason to add a course for in-person or flexible instruction.

  • Not all courses will be approved to be offered in an in-person or flexible format. Given this, please prioritize your requests. You will be given the opportunity during the review and approval process to prioritize your courses into high, medium, and low priority requests.

Use of Unit-controlled Classrooms

  • Please make sure that your requests for in-person instruction in unit-controlled classrooms are consistent with campus guidelines for in-person instruction, specifically that the density is 25% [updated figure based on CA higher ed guidelines] of regular capacity for rooms with moveable furniture and approximately 20% for those with immovable furniture (if permitting 6 ft spacing), up to a maximum of 26 persons (including the instructor and any technical staff or GSIs). 

  • Please note that all approved requests will need to be integrated into the building density management plans and reviewed and approved by the Building Oversight Committee andJoint Planning Committee for Academic Buildings (JPCAB) before the start of in-person classes in the spring.

We appreciate your support in meeting the above stated process and deadlines that will allow for timely final decisions in early November. Please email scheduling@berkeley.edu if you have any questions about the spreadsheet templates. Questions about the instruction planning guidelines or process should be directed to the instruction planning team at evcp@berkeley.edu 


The Office of the Registrar