Schools and Colleges
- College of ChemistryDean Doug Clark
- College of Computing, Data Science, and Society - Dean Jennifer Chayes
- Berkeley School of EducationDean Michelle Young
- College of Engineering - Dean Tsu-Jae Liu
- College of Environmental Design - Dean Renee Chow
- Goldman School of Public PolicyDean David Wilson
- Haas School of Business - Interim Dean Jennifer Chatman
- School of Information - Dean Eric Meyer
- Graduate School of Journalism - Acting Dean Elena Conis
- School of LawDean Erwin Chemerinsky
- College of Letters and Science - Executive Dean Jennifer Johnson-Hanks
- School of Public Health - Dean Michael Lu
- Rausser College of Natural Resources - Dean David Ackerly
- School of Social Welfare - Dean Susan Stone
- Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science - Dean Sharon Bentley
Academic Affairs & Campus Support Units
- Academic Planning - Vice Provost Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
- AdministrationVice Chancellor Marc Fisher *
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive - Executive Director Julie Rodrigues Widholm
Berkeley Information Technology (bIT)Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information Officer Tracy Shinn *
Enrollment - Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Enrollment Management Olufemi Ogundele *
- Equity & Inclusion - Acting Vice Chancellor Fabrizio Mejia *
- Faculty - Vice Provost Victoria Plaut
- Finance - Interim Vice Chancellor Daniel Feitelberg *
- Graduate DivisionVice Provost and Dean Lisa García Bedolla
- Research - Vice Chancellor Kathy Yelick *
- Student Affairs - Vice Chancellor Stephen Sutton *
- Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, Lifelong Learning, and University Extension - Dean of Executive Education Richard Russo
- Undergraduate EducationVice Provost Oliver O'Reilly
- University Development and Alumni Relations - Interim Vice Chancellor Leslie Schibsted *
- University Library - University Librarian Suzanne Wones
* indicates a dual report. Please see the organizational chart for full reporting structure .