Guidance for Instructors re Accommodations

Disability Accommodations - Instructor guidance

Questions and concerns If you receive a Letter of Accommodation as an instructor and have difficulty providing the accommodations listed, or if you disagree with the accommodations, please contact the DSP Specialist who signed the letter. If you and DSP reach an impasse in your discussion about an accommodation, the DSP Complaint Resolution Process will be followed. Please consult the...

Illness accommodations - Instructor guidance

Instructors are asked to refrain from general requirements for written excuses from medical personnel for absence due to illness. Many healthy people experience a mild-to-moderate illness and recover without the need to seek medical attention. University Health Services does not have the capacity to evaluate such illnesses and provide documentation excusing student absences. However, UHS will continue to provide documentation when a student is being treated by Tang for an illness that necessitates a change in course load or an incomplete.

Should a student experience repeated...

Pregnancy and related conditions - Instructor guidance

In alignment with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and with the California Education Code, Section 66281.7, it is the policy of the University of California at Berkeley to not discriminate against or exclude any person on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions, and to provide reasonable accommodations to students as appropriate.

Instructors are reminded of their responsibilities for excusing medically necessary absences for pregnancy and related conditions and making reasonable accommodations in the areas of class sessions, exams, tests, project deadlines, field...

Hardships - Instructor guidance

Hardships such as housing or food insecurity, uncertain documentation and immigration status, serious medical and mental health concerns, and significant familial distress, directly affect a student’s ability to be present and committed to their educational endeavors.

While instructors are required to respect accommodations requested through DSP, well-founded requests may also come from other sources, such as the Center for Support and Intervention(link is external)...

Sexual violence and sexual harassment supportive measures - Instructor guidance

Sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH), including relationship violence, stalking and other conduct prohibited by the UC SVSH Policy(link is external) may have a significant negative impact on a student's ability to participate in educational endeavors. University policy, in alignment with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, requires the campus to provide appropriate supportive measures to survivors of sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault,...

Accommodations for religious commitments - Instructor guidance

The Berkeley campus's policy for the accommodation of students who miss exams because of their religious commitment is distributed annually at the beginning of each fall semester. The Office of the Registrar's website maintains up-to-date information about religious and cultural holidays and the Religious Creed Policy, which pertains to scheduled exams.

The Academic Senate's...

Athletics or Extracurricular Scheduling Conflicts - Instructor guidance

Occasionally, a student's participation in athletics or other extracurricular activities may conflict with academic requirements (classes, exams, project due dates, field trips, etc.).

The Academic Senate's Guidelines Concerning Scheduling Conflicts with Academic Requirements, *recently revised in 2023*, can be a resource for faculty.

From the...