Committee Descriptions

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Chancellor’s Cabinet. The Chancellor’s Cabinet is the campus’s topmost administrative committee. This advisory committee provides an opportunity for the campus’s senior leadership team to:

  • Discuss strategic and critical issues facing the campus;
  • Provide input to the Chancellor in the development of her vision to guide the campus, her goals, and her initiatives;
  • Receive assignments from the Chancellor that cross control units and have campus-wide impact;
  • Hear briefings by the Chancellor on her activities, including at Office of the President, Regents, Council of Chancellors, and the State;

Chief Administrative Officers (CAO) Group, convened by the Associate Executive Vice Chancellor, serves as a regular forum for senior administrative leaders of academic divisions to address strategic and operational issues that impact the academic enterprise. The CAO Group helps to maintain communication and coordination amongst the schools and colleges as well as between the schools/colleges and central administrative units, providing a forum for CAOs to impact approaches for addressing critical administrative issues.

Council on Advising and Student Support (CASS) Executive Committee is co-chaired by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies & Dean of the Graduate Division, and includes directors and representatives from student service units across campus. Additionally, the Council on Advising and Student Support includes four faculty representatives as well as representatives from the Graduate Assembly and Associated Students of the University of California.

Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) is responsible for oversight and evaluation of the campus’ overall animal care and use program. Its functions include evaluation of the program; inspection of animal facilities and animal-study areas; submission of reports to responsible institutional officials; review of proposed uses of animals in research, testing, or education; and receipt and review of concerns involving the care and use of animals. Standing Committee. Meets once a month for 3 hours. Not open to students.

Bancroft Library Reckoning Committee has been formed in response to a proposal to unname Bancroft Library, which outlines the writings and views of Hubert Howe Bancroft, for whom the library is named. The Bancroft Library Reckoning Committee is being charged to consider and acknowledge the history of the name of The Bancroft Library, and to make recommendations regarding possible actions. The committee will be composed of users of the library (faculty, undergraduate and graduate student representatives); Bancroft Library and UC Berkeley Library staff; a representative from Berkeley's Restorative Justice Center; a representative from the Friends of The Bancroft Library; and an external scholar. The committee is asked to make its recommendations by the end of the fall 2024 semester. Share your thoughts and feedback with the committeeView the FAQ on the committee and its process

The UC Berkeley Building Name Review Committee is tasked with reviewing proposals submitted by our campus community regarding whether the name of an existing campus building should be removed. Removing the name of a building is a consequential decision that will require careful study and thoughtful consideration of different viewpoints from the entire campus community, and this site serves as a hub for such engagement.

Committee on Animal Research Space Assignments (CARSA) is responsible for the regulation and oversight of animal research facilities on campus. Standing Committee. Meets once every three months, for two hours. Not open to students.

Campus Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers. The committee advises Capital Projects on matters relating to physical accessibility for persons with disabilities. The charge: 1. Review access-related aspects of all capital projects for new construction, remodeling of campus facilities, and for modification of grounds; 2. Review physical access policies, guidelines and procedures and recommend changes as necessary; 3. Define needs, priorities, and issues regarding physical accessibility and accessibility of facilities and grounds on campus, and recommend appropriate action; 4. Serve as a resource to Capital Projects about architectural and programmatic access issues on campus; 5. Recommend allocations from Vice Chancellor’s annual Fund for Small Scale Access Projects; 6. Provide consultation and advice to other campus committees and groups. Student participation: 1 Graduate Assembly representative, 1 ASUC representative.

Campus Bicycle Committee. The committee is appointed by the Director of Parking & Transportation to formulate and recommend policy, guidelines, and procedures concerning bicycle use on the Berkeley campus. The Committee: evaluates and recommends strategies for improving the campus environment through the use of bicycles; reviews and evaluates policies and procedures regarding safe and authorized use of bicycles on campus; comments on campus construction project design where bicycle travel and/or storage may be impacted; develops and recommends to Parking & Transportation outreach and public education materials on bicycle use, safety, and security; assists in enhancement the campus environment through promotion of bicycles; reviews and evaluates environmental and transportation studies related to use of bicycles on campus; provides technical guidance to campus departments. Meets 2 times per year for up to two hours. First meeting 10/23/15. Student participation: Usually: 1 from ASUC, 1 from GA, 1 from BicyCAL with some additional students.

CalCAP. The Cal Climate Action Partnership (CalCAP) is a collaboration of faculty, administration, staff and students to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at UC Berkeley, and to enable our campus to: demonstrate institutional commitment; engage academic departments; leverage academic research; foster local community development; inspire individual action. Student participation: 1 ASUC and 1 GA representative. Also, the Co-Chair of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability is invited.

Campus Peer Review Committee. The Campus Peer Review Committee (PRC) provides guidance and advice to the Vice Provost for the Faculty when the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination(link is external) (OPHD) has found a faculty member to have violated the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH)

Capital Planning Committee. The Capital Planning Committee (CPC) – formerly the Capital Projects Committee – is a senior leadership body responsible for land use and capital investment decisions for the Berkeley campus. The CPC is chaired by the Provost and advises the Chancellor on campus land use decisions, capital investments, and project priorities. The CPC assures that land use and capital investment decisions optimize the use of physical and financial resources to realize the campus vision for academic excellence and physical growth. The CPC oversees preparation of the campus Long Range Development Plan, the annual Capital Financial Plan, and oversees campus work with the City of Berkeley and other agencies on local plans that impact UC Berkeley. The CPC also oversees and formally approves the work of the Capital Renewal Committee and approves the annual Capital Renewal Program and funding levels. The CPC meets regularly and is supported by staff in Capital Strategies, with active collaboration from staff in Finance & Capital Asset Strategies, Academic and Space Planning, Facilities Services, and University Development and Alumni Relations.

Capital Renewal Committee. Reports to the Capital Planning Committee (CPC), and is charged with identifying and prioritizing campus capital renewal and infrastructure needs, including the formulation of an annual program of investments for incorporation into the campus’ annual update of its ten-year capital plan. The CRC will create a strategic and comprehensive approach to campus capital renewal needs.

Census Work Group. This group, chaired by the University Registrar, is made up of representatives from offices across the campus that work together on official reporting of student data to the Office of the President and within the campus. Accurate reporting of student data/enrollment is essential for planning and operational needs. The workgroup meets about 5 times per semester for one and a half hours per meeting. The Work Group begins meeting before the semester begins and meets through the 3rd or 4th week of the term. No student members.

Campus Committee on Classroom Policy and Management (CCCPM) oversees and approves policy issues related to classroom use, scheduling, and management. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the long-range plan for classrooms, recovery of classroom facilities following major disasters, summer use, construction and design standards for classrooms, renovation plans, and instructional technology in classrooms. Committee meets three times a year for 2 hours each meeting. Student participation: 1 ASUC and 1 GA representative. Student participation: 1 ASUC and 1 GA representative.

Compliance and Enterprise Risk Committee (CERC) is responsible for identifying, assessing, and monitoring campus risks. The committee prioritizes identified risks and communicates significant risks to the Chancellor’s cabinet. The committee makes recommendations on risk response opportunities, policies, and best practices to be implemented at the campus level. The CERC, through subcommittees, can work with functional risk owners to advise and assist in risk mitigation activities.

Conflict of Interest Committee The faculty Conflict of Interest Committee is responsible for the review and assessment of all financial disclosures related to research projects at UC Berkeley and for determining any actions required to ensure that real or perceived financial conflicts of interest are managed or eliminated. Standing committee of faculty from multiple disciplines, representatives from VCRO, OTL, staffed by COI office in RAC. 

Coordination Board for Admissions, Financial Aid, and Enrollment Management (“Coordination Board”) The Coordination Board and its Executive Committee have responsibilities in policy making, oversight and providing campus leadership recommendations in the areas of undergraduate and graduate admissions, outreach, recruitment, financial aid, and enrollment management. Because these functions are vested in different campus groups that function within the context of Berkeley’s tradition of shared governance, the Coordination Board is charged to provide integration and coordination as necessary among the various parties in the areas listed above.

The Coordination Board is chaired by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and includes the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion, the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Academic Senate, faculty representatives from the Academic Senate Committees of Admissions, Enrollment and Preparatory Education (AEPE), Courses of Instructions (COCI), Educational Policy (CEP), and Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Financial Aid (CUSHFA), deans from the College of Letters and Science, deans from the professional schools, colleges and the Graduate Division, administrators from Student Affairs, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of Planning and Analysis, Summer Sessions, and one student representative.

Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT) Brings together a cross-section of campus and community constituents to guide the campus in preventing and responding to sexual misconduct at a campus level. The team is responsible for a campus collaborative approach to address sexual misconduct, and focuses on developing and reviewing policies, developing community relations (internal and external), discussing legal updates, providing cross training, and coordinating communication and prevention education and outreach efforts. The designated individual from each campus will provide oversight for this team and this team will report to the Chancellor (or designee).

Course Materials and Services Fees Committee. Each Chancellor has been delegated the authority to establish Course Materials and Services Fees (CMSFs) on their campus to recover the cost of materials, supplies, equipment and support services not covered by the normal instructional budget. The charge of the CMSF Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Chancellor regarding: 1) proposals to add or increase CMSFs; 2) the appropriateness of current fee levels for previously approved CMSFs; and 3) any proposed changes to the campus CMSF policy. Student membership includes one representative from the ASUC, one representative from the Graduate Assembly, and one representative from the Committee on Student Fees.

Campus Advisory Committee on Creative Arts. Considers and recommends to the Chancellor matters of importance in the arts on the Berkeley campus. Administers the nominations for the competition for the Eisner Prizes and awards the prestigious Eisner Prizes – part of the general recognition of the arts on the Berkeley campus. The Eisner Prize awards are presented for the highest achievements in the Creative Arts on the Berkeley campus. The Eisner Event presents performances in music, dance, creative writing, etc., - all created by the students – and awards the Prizes at the Eisner Event itself, usually held at the end of the academic year.

Council of College Deans (CCD) engages in strategic discussion and planning around the undergraduate experience. CCD is convened by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, and includes the deans of the six undergraduate schools and colleges, division deans from the College of Letters & Science, and the chair of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate.

Council of Deans (COD). Council of Deans provides a forum for information sharing, consultation, and discussion of academic, administrative, and research policy issues. COD also: 1) Links academic deans with each other and with the academic administrative leadership of the campus; 2) Provides an opportunity for Deans to influence and help develop strategies for addressing critical academic issues; 3) Provides the Chancellor and EVCP an opportunity to promote their goals and vision for the academic administration of the campus.

Design Review Committee (DRC) provides advice to the Campus Architect (Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services) regarding the design of university buildings and open spaces. DRC also advises the Campus Architect with regard to historic preservation. The DRC membership, appointed by the Chancellor, consists of design professionals and faculty from the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and planning, and historic preservation, as well as two graduate student members from the Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, respectively; the graduate students are nominated by their departmental chairs. Student members serve for one year terms, but students who can serve at least two consecutive terms and become familiar with the Committee issues and procedures are generally sought. The Dean of the College of Environmental Design chairs the DRC; the chair also sits on the Executive Campus Planning Committee, and represents the DRC in ECPC deliberations. DRC meets once a month.

Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Disability and Accessibility Planning (CACDAP) CACDAP includes the voices of all major constituent groups at UC Berkeley and is made up of individuals with a commitment to diversity and inclusion for disabled members of our community. Reporting directly to the Chancellor, its membership is comprised mostly of students, staff, and faculty with disabilities.

Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Jewish Student Life and Campus Climate: no description

Data Governance Committee (DGC)The Data Governance Committee (DGC) is responsible for providing strategic oversight of the management, access and use of one of the University’s most vital assets–its data. The DGC recommends and supports the implementation of standards, policies and operating procedures for access, use and retention of data in enterprise applications and data subject to campus policy and external public records compliance regulations.

Executive Campus Planning Committee is comprised of the senior administration (all the Vice Chancellors) and the leadership of the Academic Senate. It is chaired by the Chancellor and advises him on campus land use decisions and capital projects. The elected ASUC President and the President of the Graduate Assembly are the student members of ECPC; there are no other appointed student members.

Facilities Access Program Oversight CommitteeThe Chancellor's Joint Oversight Committee on Parking will oversee the operational and fiscal aspects of Parking and Transportation on the campus. The Committee is expected to independently evaluate the effectiveness of the Department of Parking and Transportation in meeting the needs of the campus community. This assessment will include, but is not limited to, Parking and Transportation's organizational structure, staffing, current practices, programs and policies, financial planning and all other budgetary aspects of Parking and Transportation and strategic planning for capital projects.

Finance CommitteeFinancial Planning and Analysis is responsible for staffing the UC Berkeley Finance Committee, which includes the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Vice Chancellor of Finance/CFO, and Vice Chancellor of Administration. The committee exercises authority over the university’s core operating budget and ensures that financial decisions are integrated with the long-term strategic plans and mission of the university. The committee meets on a monthly basis to consider and make decisions about emerging financial policy issues and the allocation of resources to programs and initiatives that must be addressed on a timely basis.

Golden Bear Orientation (GBO) Steering Committee: no description

Gump Station Diving Control BoardApproves and monitors scientific underwater diving projects. Issues and revokes diving permits and has authority to suspend diving operations or programs deemed unsafe. Insures small boat safety for all research activity. Recommends to the Vice Chancellor for Research changes in policy. Ensures compliance with these manuals by reviewing diving procedures, training programs, dive locations, and associated diving equipment. The UC Berkeley Scientific Diving and Small Boat Safety Board (SDSBSB) has been disbanded and replaced by the UC Diving Safety Consortium Diving Control Board (hosted by UCSB) and the Gump Station Diving Control Board. The Consortium board has representatives from each participating campus. The two Boards are likely to be combined this spring.

Haas International Award Committee. This committee is charged with reviewing nominations, which are submitted annually, and selecting a candidate for the Haas International Award. The award honors an alumnus of the University of California, Berkeley (defined as having attended the campus for a minimum of two semesters or three quarters) who is a native, citizen, and resident of a nation other than the United States of America, and who has a distinguished record of service to his or her country. The service may be in any field of endeavor, including but not limited to the arts, sciences, classical professions, education, business, or government. The recipient must have been enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student for at least one full year; the earning of a degree is not required. The Haas International Award includes a cash prize of $15,000, an engraved medallion, and travel expenses for the recipient to attend the award’s presentation, which is made at the University’s Commencement Convocation. Student Participation: 1 Student, who changes yearly.

The Green Initiative Fund Committee is the decision-making body for The Green Initiative Fund. The Committee chooses which projects receive money, approves changes to awards, and guides the general direction of TGIF. The Committee is organized and facilitated by the TGIF Coordinator. The Coordinator presents and reports to the Committee all information regarding TGIF-funded projects and the TGIF program. 

Haas Public Service Award Committee is charged with reviewing nominations, which are submitted annually, and selecting a candidate for the Haas Public Service Award. The Haas Public Service Award acknowledges outstanding voluntary contributions in four major areas: community service (including social service), health care, environmental work, and education. Special consideration is given to activity at the grassroots level, for such activity best illustrates the impact that an individual can have on society through creative social change. The Haas Public Service Award includes a cash prize of $20,000, an additional prize of $20,000 to be donated to a charity of the recipient’s choice, and an engraved medallion to be presented at a public event in the Spring. Student Participation: 1 Student, ASUC President.

Health Fee Advisory Board advises University Health Services-Tang Center and the Associate Vice Chancellor—CFO on matters related to the Campus Health Care Fee. The committee reviews allocation of the Campus Health Care Fee monies to meet student health and counseling needs and recommends annually to campus health officials any increase or decrease in the Campus Health Care Fee level. Student participation: 2 ASUC, 2 GA representatives. Other representatives are appointed by the Committee on Student Fees and the Student Health Advisory Committee.

Hellman Family Fund Awards Committee. Established by F. Warren Hellman in 1995, the purpose of the Hellman Family Faculty Fund is to support substantially the research of promising assistant professors who show capacity for great distinction in their research.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Honors. This is a confidential committee, with members appointed by the Chancellor. Its charge is to review nominations for the campus’ highest honors: the Berkeley Citation, Berkeley Medal, Chancellor’s Distinguished Honor Award and the Distinguished Service Award. Each year a campus-wide call for nominations is sent out in February. The committee then meets in April to review the nominations received. Prior to that meeting, packets of the nomination materials are distributed to committee members for their review. The chair may convene the committee at other times of the year, as needed. While most nominations are made in the Spring and Fall, we do receive them on a year round basis. When an individual nomination is received, packets of nomination materials are distributed, and committee members then respond individually to the Office of External Relations and the Office of Protocol, or directly to the committee chair, without the need for a meeting. We do not grant honorary degrees. The current awards, in some cases, replace honorary degrees. The committee is split between four faculty members and four staff members. There is no student participation on this committee.

Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS): Reviews all proposals for research by University faculty members, staff and students involving the use of human subjects. The CPHS is guided by three ethical principles propounded in the Belmont Report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects. These principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice should also serve as a guide to researchers in formulating their protocols and research procedures. Meets twice a month for two hours. Not open to students.

Chancellor's Independent Advisory Board on Police Accountability and Community Safety (IAB) is structurally independent of UCPD, reports directly to the Chancellor, and is accountable to the broader campus community. The Board maintains independence to provide equitable and accessible community engagement, policy review, community complaint analysis, independent data analysis, and recommendations for changes to policing and safety programs.

Information Risk Governance Committee (IRGC) provides the campus framework for institutional governance of information risk. Information risk includes, but is not limited to, the broad categories of:

  • Autonomy Privacy – ability of individuals to conduct activities without observation;
  • Information Security – protection of all information and information infrastructure;
  • Information Privacy – appropriate protection, use, and dissemination of information about individuals; and
  • Balancing Process – for the sometimes-conflicting interests of Autonomy Privacy and Information Security.

IRGC is charged by the Compliance, Accountability, Risk and Ethics (CARE) committee to make recommendations on campus information risk issues. These recommendations are campus policy that sets campus information risk tolerances. IGRC’s broad membership allows for evaluation of impact on recommended risk management policies across the full diversity of campus activities.

IT Accessibility Policy Advisory CommitteeThe IT Accessibility Policy Advisory Committee will represent a broad range of functional areas and be able to address academic, research, and administrative concerns and needs. The committee is charged with: advising the EVCP by developing an IT accessibility program [referred to at UC Berkeley as the Digital Accessibility Program] strategic implementation document, supervising the IT program itself (which comprises those units with some ability to ensure IT access for disabled people), and enforcing the ITAP.

IT Strategy Committee (ITSC)The IT Strategy Committee (ITSC) is responsible for providing strategic oversight of the entirety of campus IT, ensuring alignment among its many organizations as well as with overall campus strategy. It guides campus IT to continually improve its real value to Berkeley in achieving the core mission and principles.

Campus Information Security and Privacy Committee (CISPC) is a standing committee reporting to the e-Berkeley Steering Committee. It represents campus-wide interests in information security and acts as campus advisory body to the e-Berkeley Steering Committee on matters of information security. The committee develops campus-wide strategy and provides direction, planning, and guidance in the area of information security. It develops and reviews campus-wide information security policy and procedures. This committee meets once per month, from 12 noon – 1:30 pm. Student participation: 1 ASUC representative and 1 GA representative. 

Instructional Resilience and Enhancement Fee Advisory Committee is charged with ensuring that the fee revenue supports the original intention of this Course Materials and Services Fee that was established in Spring 2022. Annually the Committee reports to the Chancellors the status of fund expenditures and the utilization of the materials and services provided. The Committee is co-chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and has representation from students, faculty, and staff from the instructional technology community. A full description of the fee may be found on this page of the Office of the Registrar. The most recent report of the committee is linked here.

International Activities Coordination Group (IACG) The International Activities Coordination Group (IACG) keeps senior administration informed of internationalization efforts across campus, serves as an advisory group to the UC Berkeley Senior International Officer (SIO), EVCP, and Chancellor, coordinates high-level campus global initiatives, and develops, recommends, and/or advises on international activity guidelines, international affairs, and international communications for the UC Berkeley campus as needed.

Committee for Laboratory and Environmental Biosafety (CLEB) serves as UC Berkeley’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). CLEB is comprised of subject matter experts, an animal health expert, an occupational physician, as well as community members. The committee meets to review Biological Use Authorizations on the first Monday of every month.

Laboratory Operations and Safety Committee (LO&SC) formulates, and recommends to the Vice Chancellor for Research, campus policy on research and instructional activities to help ensure compliance with applicable regulations and adoption of appropriate best practices regarding the safety and potential environmental impact of activities conducted in campus laboratories and in field research. Technical areas covered include chemical safety, management of hazardous wastes and unwanted hazardous materials, chemical effluents, hazardous materials management and shipping, and electrical and other hazards not covered by other campus research oversight committees.

Life Safety CommitteeThe Life Safety Committee, which is composed of students and staff members, proposes and supervises projects funded by the student life safety fee that meet campus guidelines.

Lower Sproul Fee CommitteeThe Lower Sproul Fee Committee (the “Fee Committee”) shall be a student committee, advisory to the Chancellor, consisting of 2 undergraduate students appointed by the ASUC President, 2 graduate students appointed by the Graduate Assembly President, 1 student appointed jointly by the ASUC Senate and the Graduate Assembly, 1 student appointed by the Committee on Student Fees, a representative of the ASUC Auxiliary, and 3 campus representatives appointed by the Chancellor or his/her designee, provided that such confirmation shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Fee Committee shall be co-chaired by a student and one of the campus representatives, to be selected by the Chancellor or his/her designee. The Fee Committee shall meet at least four times a year (unless deemed otherwise by the chairs). The Fee Committee shall have responsibility, throughout the duration of the mandatory student fee, to review information on the amount and uses of the LSP Project fee revenue, and recommend any changes to future year fee levels or uses.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBTQ Communities at Cal Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBTQ+ Communities at Cal is comprised of UC Berkeley students, staff, faculty, and. alumni representatives. The committee serves to identify, analyze, and advise the Chancellor on the needs and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) faculty, staff, students, alumni, and affiliates at UC Berkeley. The committee also makes recommendations on educational programs, policies, and procedures that would ameliorate conditions that adversely affect the LGBTQ+ community on campus as well as create an affirming and welcoming environment. Student Participation: 3 undergraduates (1 ASUC delegate and 2 at-large positions) and 4 graduates (1 GA delegate, 2 at-large positions, and 1 SOGA representative).

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Muslim and Palestinian Student Life and Campus Experience is a standing committee charged with three main responsibilities: to act as the advocate for Muslim and Palestinian students in regards to campus experiences, serving as a point of contact for students and advising the Chancellor on maintaining an inclusive, respectful, and welcoming campus environment; to review the current support and infrastructure provided for Muslim and Palestinian students at Berkeley and to make recommendations for improvement; and to share and recommend changes to improve the academic experience for Muslim or Palestinian students. The committee is composed of faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, staff, and community members.

The Chancellor's Native American Advisory Council will advance priorities, offer recommendations, and serve as an advisory body to the Chancellor, the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and other senior campus leaders, including Deans & Chairs, as well as the Native American Thriving Initiative and Office of Tribal Relations. Learn more about the CNAAC on their website.

Naming Advisory Task Force (NATF) advises the campus administration on proposals for new philanthropic namings for the Berkeley campus. Philanthropic naming opportunities are a critical strategical tool for fundraising at Berkeley, as naming spaces for our most generous donors is one of the highest forms of donor recognition and makes future giving more likely. The Naming Advisory Task Force will bring together UC Berkeley faculty and students to ensure a mix of perspectives on proposed namings for new and renovated spaces. The task force will review proposals to verify that they meet campus and industry standards, as well as remain consistent with Berkeley’s historical commitment to efficiently stewarding our donors. The majority of the group’s business will be conducted via e-mail, with two yearly meetings in person. Student participation: 1 ASUC representative, 1 Graduate Assembly representative.

Chancellor’s Joint Oversight Committee on Parking. This committee’s charge is oversight of the operational and fiscal aspects of Parking and Transportation on the campus. The Committee is expected to independently evaluate the effectiveness of the Department of Parking and Transportation in meeting the needs of the campus community; this assessment will include, but is not limited to, Parking and Transportation’s organizational structure, staffing, current practices, programs and policies, financial planning and all other budgetary aspects of Parking and Transportation and strategic planning for capital projects. The Committee is charged with establishing policy for Parking and Transportation that is supportive of the academic mission of the university, and will direct and oversee changes to Parking and Transportation in accordance with that policy. The Committee will provide the Chancellor with an on-going evaluation and assessment of the effectiveness of Parking and Transportation in meeting the needs of the campus community. The Committee will also report annually to the Administration and the Academic Senate. The Committee will be given the resources to commission and direct external reviews and audits of Parking and Transportation as necessary and will have access to support staff necessary for the committee to accomplish its charge. Student representation: currently 1 undergraduate student, would like to have a graduate student as well.

The Police Accountability Board (PAB) was created in 2023. It is one component of the 2021 UC Community Safety Plan(link is external), designed to transform the institutional approach to campus safety. Find more information on their website.

Program Review Oversight Committee is a joint Administration/Academic Senate committee that oversees the academic program review process. PROC is a prime example of shared governance at UC Berkeley.

Productivity and Collaboration Tools Committee: The Productivity and Collaboration Tools (PCTC) Governance Committee provides strategic oversight and functional review of a portfolio of technologies used pervasively and funded through campus-wide and consortium assessments.

Radiation Safety Committee advises on all matters related to ionizing radiation safety and on areas relating to non-coherent sources of non-ionizing radiation; reviews and approves uses of radiation and radioisotopes; advises EH&S staff in carrying out campus radiation safety program in accordance with applicable State and Federal requirements. Meets quarterly, for a length of two hours. 

Radiation Safety Committee, Non-Ionizing. Advises on all matters related to coherent sources of non-ionizing radiation, reviews and approves uses of lasers and laser systems, advises EH&S staff in carrying out campus laser safety program in accordance with applicable State and Federal requirements. Meets quarterly, for a length two hours each meeting. 

Recreation & Wellbeing Board of Governors discusses RSF scheduling issues, non-student RSF facility rental fees, program and project ideas, facility improvements and general concerns. The Board reports to the Director of Recreation & Wellbeing, a non-voting member who serves as the committee chair. This is an ongoing committee whose members are replaced as they graduate or otherwise become unavailable. Voting membership consists of four non-student RecWell members (usually three UCB faculty/staff and one from the community) and at least six undergraduate and graduate students, typically 3 ASUC representatives, 2 Graduate Assembly representatives, 1 Committee on Student Fees representative, and 1 student at-large.

Regents’ Lectureship Committee The Regents’ Lectureship Committee meets once a year in March to review nominations. The committee submits recommendations to the Chancellor about which individuals to invite to campus to serve as Regents’ Lecturers during the following academic year. 

Registration Task Force is comprised of staff from various administrative offices that provide services to students and meets during the summer. The group provides updates and discusses programmatic changes to ensure that student services units have the information needed to support students as they arrive for the beginning of the new academic year.

Research Compliance Advisory Committee advises the Vice Chancellor for Research on issues related to regulatory compliance and risk management in all research activities conducted on UC Berkeley property or by UC Berkeley personnel and informs the Vice Chancellor for Research of current and upcoming issues and concerns in research compliance and risk management and helps establish priorities for campus research compliance efforts. RCAC is a faculty committee with no student members. Nevertheless, student interests are represented at the RCAC in that the RCAC members are each chairs of one or more subordinate research oversight committees, and these subordinate committees have student representatives where this is consistent with their function. Meets three times per year, for a length of 90 minutes. 

Research Teaching and Learning Advisory Group (RTL): no description

Seismic Review Committee (SRC) The mission of the SRC is to advise Capital Strategies in its role to provide seismically safe facilities and promote excellence in seismic design of campus facilities in a manner that makes the greatest use of limited resources. The Committee membership, appointed by the Chancellor, consists of faculty and emeriti from the disciplines of structural and civil engineering, one faculty member from the College of Environmental Design (Architecture), and practicing structural engineers.

Space Assignment and Capital Improvements Committee (SACI) reviews and evaluates the use of space and requests for space, determines or recommends space reassignments, and develops and advises the campus administration on plans and policies for use of existing space and for capital improvements needed for the Berkeley campus. To achieve these goals, SACI:

  • Advises the administration on individual proposals for major and minor capital improvement projects and recommends priorities for the campus’s Capital Improvement Program
  • Makes final decisions on most minor space matters and presents recommendations to the Chancellor for final approval if the resources involved are large
  • Has two standing subcommittees (Honorific Namings and Public Outdoor Art Installations) and a number of ad hoc subcommittees. Building space subcommittees are established to review space issues in multi-unit buildings and recommend internal building space reassignments
  • For major capital projects proposals, appoints Academic Effect Study subcommittees (also known as Program subcommittees) from faculty nominated by the Senate to examine and advise on such proposals at an early stage in their development
  • Administers the campus’ Temporary Building Policy, receives presentations on project designs, and provides advice on a variety of issues related to space
  • Is composed of faculty, ex officio senate members, administrators, and has one graduate student member and one undergraduate student member
  • Meets twice a semester

Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Advisory BoardThe purpose of the Student Civic and Voter Empowerment Advisory Board is to ensure that our students are informed, civically engaged, and have the capacity to exercise their right to vote; and to ensure that campus activities are meeting requirements set forth by state law.

Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC). The committee’s mission is to provide staff input into the university’s decision-making processes including, but not limited to, development and modifications of policies and procedures that directly affect staff. CSAC acts as advisory to the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors on non-bargainable issues, with the aim of helping to create a positive working environment for all staff. Committee priorities are guided by a number of factors, including current and long-term issues and the Chancellor’s goals.

Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee. This administrative committee provides broad oversight of the development of stem cell research on campus to ensure congruence with campus priorities and to create a strong well-integrated compliance program. Not open to students. 

Student Fee Referendum Committee oversees the student fee referendum process. It develops and recommends policies, procedures and criteria for fee referenda for consideration by the Chancellor. The SFRC advises on the development and implementation of fee referenda initiatives, provides guidance on adherence to Campus and University policies and makes recommendations to the Chancellor on whether a referendum is ready to go to a vote. Committee membership includes representatives from Undergraduate Affairs, Business and Administrative Services, Undergraduate Education, the Graduate Division, the Committee on Student Fees, the ASUC, and the GA. The SFRC meets once a month for 2 hours throughout the academic year.

Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) fosters an organized dialogue between students and the Tang Center Executive Director and senior managers about student health and counseling needs. Members consult on programs/services, student health insurance and budget issues, informational needs of students, accessibility and ease of use and emerging student issues. Student participation: 1 ASUC and 1 GA representative. UHS recruits other students to form broad representation.

Student Technology CouncilThe Student Technology Council (STC) provides graduate, professional, and undergraduate students a forum to advise the Chief Information Officer and senior IT leaders about the holistic student technology experience. Areas of focus include: Academic technology and digital learning; Cal Central and Student Information Systems; Campus WiFi and connectivity needs; Information security; Remote instruction and student engagement; Software and device needs and challenges; Student tech support services; Tech equity for underserved students; Tech innovation ideas and much more.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health assesses and advises the chancellor and the Executive Leadership Team on trends in student mental health and opportunities for reducing risks and increasing support for members of the Cal community facing mental health challenges. The committee will meet 2-3 times per semester. Various task groups allow for greater involvement in specific issues, but that would not be a required commitment. Student Participation: 4 students, 1 ASUC, 1 GA, and 2 students-at-large identified by co-chairs (one UG and one G).

Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Life Sciences (CACLS)The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Life Sciences (CACLS) was established in 2019 to enable a coordinated approach to providing faculty insight and input to campus leadership on opportunities for Berkeley to excel in scholarship and research across the life sciences, and to ensure a diverse faculty.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees will advise the Chancellor and senior administration on student services funding and fee issues. The committee aims to support a strategic vision for student services by utilizing a multi-year planning outlook, by fostering an administration-student partnership and by linking the work of this committee with other campus fee and student advisory structures. The charge of the committee is to: review and recommend student fee policies and procedures; undertake a multi-year planning process that strategically considers mandatory fee referenda, miscellaneous fees and campus allocations; periodically (e.g., every three to five years) review campus allocations to student services and make recommendations to the Chancellor on changes to student services allocations and whether the Chancellor should consider recommending a change to the Registration Fee level; advise on requests for student services funding as part of the campus budget cycle, as appropriate; work with other campus committees to facilitate communication about student services issues and student fees; monitor miscellaneous and campus-based mandatory fees as needed, including advising on the Life Safety Fee program; and provide a starting place for units or student government wanting to institute a new student fee. The committee will meet twice per semester and may want to meet more frequently in the first year. Student participation: 6 students, 3 ASUC and 3 GA.

Chancellor’s Council on Students of Color and Multicultural Engagement. The Chancellor’s Council on Students of Color and Multicultural Engagement is a standing committee reporting to the Chancellor, comprised of UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty. The committee identifies, analyzes, and partners with the Chancellor on proposing tangible and productive changes to address the needs and concerns of students of color on campus—both graduate and undergraduate—recognizing their fundamental connection to community issues and contexts. It is charged with helping to discover and eliminate institutional barriers to success on campus, while drawing on the leadership, innovation and knowledge of students of color for the continued transformation of both UC Berkeley and society at large.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (CACS) is charged with advising the Chancellor on matters pertaining to the environment and sustainability as it directly relates to the campus. The mission shall be composed of three central goals: to engage the campus in an ongoing dialogue about reaching environmental sustainability; to integrate environmental sustainability with existing campus programs in education, research, operations, and public service; to instill a culture of sustainable long-range planning and forward-thinking design. The ASUCalifornia shall appoint one student seat; The Campus Recycling and Refuse Services office shall appoint one student seat; The Chancellor’s office shall appoint one student seat; The Graduate Assembly shall appoint one student seat; The Office of Student Life shall appoint one student seat; The Residence Hall Assembly shall appoint one student seat.

Student Advisory Council on Undergraduate Education (SACUE) shapes the student experience at UC Berkeley by providing critical feedback to campus leaders on undergraduate initiatives and programs. Convened by the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, SACUE meets throughout the academic year to engage with campus decision-makers on issues that affect all undergraduates. By participating in SACUE, students have the opportunity to work closely with key stakeholders, build networks, and provide feedback on critical campus projects.

Council of Undergraduate Deans is an advisory group to the executive vice chancellor and provost, chaired by the dean of Undergraduate Studies. The council plays a central planning role for undergraduate education, with particular attention to issues and policies that cut across the colleges and professional schools. This group consists of the most senior administrator in charge of undergraduate programs in each of the five colleges and in those professional schools that have at least one undergraduate program.

University Athletics Board. The board has been charged with advising the Chancellor on all matters of policy related to Intercollegiate Athletics, with particular reference to the academic and personal well-being of student-athletes and the accountability of the Athletic Department to the educational values and goals of the Berkeley Campus. Student participation: 3-4 students – 1 or 2 student-athlete reps, 1 ASUC, 1 GA.

University Athletics Board: Gender Equity and Diversity Committee is part of the University Athletics Board. Student participation: 3-4 students – 1 ASUC, 1GA, 1-2 student-athletes chosen by dept.

University Partnership Program (UPP) Advisory Committee is made up of a variety of campus community stakeholders, including representation from students, faculty, and staff. The UPP Advisory Committee advises on policies to guide UPP, consults on new campus industry opportunities, reviews working group recommendations for new partnerships, and sends partnership opportunities that they endorse to the UPP Executive Committee for final approval.

University Partnership Program (UPP) builds meaningful, university-wide relationships with business partners by collaborating across units to create partnership opportunities that align with Berkeley’s values and mission of teaching, research and public service. UPP is guided by a comprehensive governance model that ensures participation by campus stakeholders to ensure alignment with our values as a public university through a “bottom-up” approach. Any UPP partnership with the campus must support the university’s mission, be aligned with its values, and benefit the campus community.

The Wellness Fee Advisory Committee (WFAC) oversees the Wellness Initiative Fee. An advisory body to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, the committee is charged with ensuring that the fee revenue generated by the Wellness Fee will be used for the original intentions of the referendum. Additionally, the committee is responsible for monitoring the revenue and expenses of related programs.

WASC Senior College and University Commission(WSCUC) Steering Committee is composed of key representatives of the Academic Senate and Administration leadership, who are charged to oversee the development of the campus’s self-study and host the campus site visit. The campus has been invited to complete a Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR) that allows Berkeley to demonstrate compliance with the WSCUC Standards of Accreditation in a streamlined manner. This process is afforded to institutions with a demonstrated history of healthy fiscal conditions, strong student achievement indicators, and sustained quality of performance. The TPR self-study will be due in Summer 2024 in advance of an on-site accreditation reaffirmation review to be held in Fall 2024.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women* (CACSW) examines issues concerning all people who identify with an experience of womanhood at UC Berkeley, taking into account the different lived experiences of and systemic barriers faced by such individuals across race, ethnicity, indigeneity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, ability, socioeconomic status, age, and the intersectionality of those experiences.

CACSW analyzes existing policies, procedures, and/or programs; proposes modifications or new initiatives; identifies model programs or activities for implementation; and recommends to the Chancellor changes that will afford women equitable and fair access to campus programs, activities, and opportunities, centering the needs of women most likely to face systemic barriers to access. Throughout its activities, CACSW pays particular attention to schools, departments, programs, and areas of campus where inequities disproportionately impact women. In addition, we serve as a member of the UC Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) through representation of the two Co-Chairs. CACSW is chaired by a staff and faculty co-chairs, and has faculty, staff, postdoc, and undergraduate and graduate student members.

*CACSW represents all who experience life through the lens of women in body, spirit, identity—past, present, future, or fluid.

Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Work and Family. A faculty-staff-student partnership focused on work-family issues as they affect the work/study environment.

Admissions Stakeholders Meeting (formily known as the Yield Task Force). This Task Force was established in the fall of 1998 to increase the number of admitted underrepresented students who file Statements of Intent to Register (SIR)s at the University of California, Berkeley. The Yield Task Force is a campus wide effort that encompasses staff from 20 different academic and administrative departments as well as leadership from the bridges student recruitment and retention centers.

The Yield Task Force plans and implements such activities as: campus visits for admitted students, publications, financial aid outreach, alumni efforts, high school visits and receptions throughout the state. The task force engages in careful planning, coordinating and evaluation. The Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Undergraduate Admissions chairs the Task Force. The Yield Task Force is convened under the authority of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs who is an ex-officio member of the Task Force. The group meets weekly from January through April.

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