Suggest a Tool

Common Solutions is about academic departments, schools, and colleges findings ways of helping each other. Every member of the academic community has a role to play. Please consider contributing if you use a tool that you think others might find useful, or if you have a need for a tool that you think others would also benefit from. See the Common Solutions Suggestion Form.

At its core, the Common Solutions initiative is all about staff helping staff. It’s about:

  • Moving to a more efficient and less costly way of getting things done

  • Volunteering tools for others to use at no (or low) cost

  • Leveraging staff expertise and creativity

  • Building a bridge between enterprise solutions and local business needs

  • Helping each other across unit boundaries

  • Facilitating new conversations, new partnerships.

As more staff start using the same tools and developing similar sets of skills, we can imagine a much more robust community of subject matter experts willing to help each other across departmental boundaries.