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March 9, 2020

Changes effective starting Tuesday, March 10, and will remain in place through Spring Break, which ends March 29. A decision on what will happen on March 30 and beyond will occur at a later date, based on the latest coronavirus information at that time.
VCRO is asking all campus laboratories, research facilities and research groups to undertake their own efforts and put in place specific measures now, to reduce potential transmission of the disease within our facilities, and also to make plans for the possibility of a significant disruption to normal operations, should large numbers of employees become ill or have to self isolate.

March 6, 2020

Today we are calling on all members of our community to take steps now to prepare for the possibility that in the near future we will need to shift to working, teaching, and learning remotely and virtually as much as possible.
We recognize that the COVID-19 outbreak and our decisions in response to that outbreak affect our entire community, including the staff, students, and faculty who work and study here. This means that for many of you, the steps we are taking to protect the health of our community may involve significant inconvenience and personal sacrifice. With your crucial assistance, we have managed our way through power outages, air-quality concerns, and more. Please accept our thanks for your continued cooperation, patience, and understanding.

Dear campus colleagues,

We are writing today to share with you the latest updates, policies and general guidance regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel. 

As concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak intensify at the local, national, and international levels, incidents of xenophobia and anti-Asian racism, harassment, and bullying on campus also have increased. These behaviors have no place at UC Berkeley.

March 4, 2020

Follow up to March 2 message to all instructors regarding planning ahead for instructional resilience. In light of the news yesterday that there is now a case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the city of Berkeley, we are providing the following guidance to instructors on holding courses and exams. We are providing this guidance as a precautionary measure, so that students who feel unwell do not feel compelled to attend lectures or take examinations while they are ill.

March 3, 2020

Local public health officials have confirmed today one case of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the city of Berkeley. The individual is not affiliated with the campus and, at this time, there is no obvious connection.

March 2, 2020

Public health officials have announced that there is a confirmed case of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) involving an Alameda County resident. It is linked to the recent case in Solano County and does not represent local transmission.
In the interests of health and safety, this is an appropriate time for all instructors (e.g., faculty, graduate student instructors, lecturers, etc.) to be prepared in the event that some students, staff, or instructors become ill or under quarantine in the coming weeks and months, or in the event that the campus needs to temporarily suspend in-person instruction.

March 1, 2020

On Tuesday, March 3, Californians will head to the polls to vote in the state’s presidential primary elections as well as weigh in on a number of state and local ballot measures. We encourage everyone who is eligible to exercise their right to vote.

February 27, 2020

There have been a number of new and significant developments regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), consequently we are writing to you today to share the latest information and guidance with you.

February 5, 2020

On November 1, 2018, we announced the creation of a new interdisciplinary division that we provisionally named the Division of Data Science and Information. After gathering valuable input from a wide range of stakeholders and reviewing nominations from across campus, we are excited to announce the permanent name: the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS).

January 31, 2020

News regarding the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to evolve and we are writing today to keep you informed of the latest information from public health officials, governmental entities and others.

January 28, 2020

Update on the coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and campus response and preparedness efforts.

January 27, 2020

Spring 2020 final exam period (Monday, May 11 to Friday, May 15) falls during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month. We would like to remind you of the campus policies that outline the rights and responsibilities of both faculty and students with respect to course conflicts and accommodations of all types.

January 22, 2020

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) influenza activity is high across much of the United States. So far, influenza B/Victoria viruses have been reported more frequently than other influenza viruses this season, but this may be changing. It’s not too late to get protected! It is recommended that anyone over the age of 6 months get a flu shot, and especially people with chronic medical conditions are at high-risk for flu-related complications. Please see below for information about flu vaccinations at the Tang Center.

January 17, 2020

We are writing to welcome you back to campus for the Spring Semester of 2020 and to inform you of some positive new developments and activities on campus. These include implementation of an academic accommodations hub, a new policy for auditing classes, the celebration of 150 years of women at Berkeley, and announcements of town halls to gather your input and thoughts on instructional resilience and the search for the next president of the UC system.

December 13, 2019

Senate Bill.698, which goes into effect on January 1, 2020, allows employees to file a claim with the California Labor Commissioner if the University fails to issue wage or salary payments on time.

November 19, 2019

Frances Hellman has been reappointed as dean of the Division of Math & Physical Sciences (MPS) for a second five-year term, beginning January 1, 2020.