Academic Personnel Tools

The following academic personnel tools have been identified and refined by the Academic Personnel Inventory Project Team in collaboration with the Academic Personnel Office (APO) and are being made available to the campus community as possible shared solutions to local needs. 

If you have questions about specific tools, please contact the individual identified in the Contact section for each tool or email If you have an idea for a needed solution or tool or would like to offer a new tool to be added to the inventory, please share your idea through this form.  

Tool inventory:

Academic Job Code Attributes

A tool for checking the attributes assigned to Academic job codes. To use: choose the specific title from the drop-down; the attributes will be highlighted in orange.

File link Owner Application Target audience Contact
Academic Job Code Attributes Reference Ardaan Locht, College of Natural Resources  Online Tool Academic Personnel Analysts Ardaan Locht

Case Review Check Sheet

Link to updated checklists of required items that need to be reviewed before submitting faculty merits, promotions, appointment or other faculty cases

File link Owner Application Target audience Contact
Case Review Check Sheet APO PDF Academic Personnel Analysts N/A

Consent and Release Form for Faculty Candidates

Consent and Release Form for Faculty Candidates

File link Owner Application Target audience Contact
Consent and Release Form for Faculty Candidates Julie Niedermayr PDF Academic Personnel Analysts Julie Niedermayr -

Excellence Review Flowchart

A flowchart depicting the steps involved in an Excellence Review for Unit 18 Lecturers. This tool might be useful when communicating with lecturers undergoing an excellence review to explain the process. To use: download file, print and keep handy.

File link Owner Application Target audience Contact
Excellence Review Flowchart L&S Deans' Office PDF Academic Personnel Analysts N/A

Guidelines for Non-Senate Research Titles

A comprehensive overview of non-senate research titles, to aid the user in determining the correct title and understanding processing guidelines. To use: download to your desktop and keep handy.

File link Owner Application Target audience Contact
Guidelines for Non-Senate Research Titles (Currently Under Revision)  L&S Deans' Office PDF Academic Personnel Analysts N/A

Lecturer Instructional Workload and Teaching Day Calculator

A tool for calculating the Instructional Workload Course (IWC) and semester pay for Unit 18 Lecturer appointments that are for an entire semester, or for less than an entire semester (teaching day basis).
File link Owner Application Target Audience Contact
Lecturer Instructional Workload and Teaching Day Calculator Ardaan Locht, College of Natural Resources Online Tool Academic Personnel Analysts

Ardaan Locht -

Monthly Task Calendar for Academic HR Analysts

An example of a tool that distributes department AP tasks into monthly assignments to help ensure that all tasks are completed on time. An AP analyst would use this to keep track of tasks and projects and deadlines throughout the year. Take note that units may have local deadlines. To use: download file to your local desktop and customize to departmental and unit deadlines.
File link Owner Application Target Audience Contact
Monthly Task Calendar for Academic HR Analysts Allison Covington, Department of Political Science Excel Academic Personnel Analysts

Ally Covington -

Redaction Job Aid

A step-by-step job aid for merit and promotion cases where a document such as the Ad Hoc report or External Letters need to be redacted to provide the information to the candidate without compromising the anonymity of the authors. 
File link Owner Application Target Audience Contact
Redaction Job Aid Erin Blazick - L&S Social Sciences Dean's Office PDF Academic Personnel Analysts


Review Period Example

This job aid is meant as a visual overview when assigning the correct review periods for threshold reviews. It also visually shows the most recent review period which should inform the size of the proposed merit action based on activities that have not yet been credited for a merit.
File link Owner Application Target Audience Contact
Review Period Example Erin Blazick - L&S Social Sciences Dean's Office PDF Academic Personnel Analysts

Erin Blazick -

 Tenure Clock Schedule Generator

A tool for creating a tenure clock schedule for junior faculty. Take note this is a sample and unique situations may require adapting it for your needs. It must be customized to match the specifics of the candidate. To use: choose the appropriate appointment start date and check the box(es) for semester(s) time off the clock (toc), as applicable to the candidate.
File link Owner Application Target Audience Contact
Tenure Clock Schedule Ardaan Locht, College of Natural Resources Online Tool Academic Personnel Analysts and Assistant Professors

Ardaan Locht -