In alignment with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and with the California Education Code, Section 66281.7, it is the policy of the University of California at Berkeley to not discriminate against or exclude any person on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions, and to provide reasonable accommodations to students as appropriate.
If a student has a need for accommodations, the best place to start is to talk to the course instructor. The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), the campus Title IX Office, can be a resource for students in understanding their rights and can help students coordinate appropriate and reasonable modifications. Resources are also available at the Student Parent Center(link is external).
Schools must treat pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, and recovery therefrom the same as any other temporary disability with respect to any hospital or medical benefit, service, plan, or policy for students. Students may also contact the Disabled Students' Program for assistance with accommodations due to pregnancy or related conditions.
The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights provides a Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions fact sheet with more information.
Resources for students
Under Title IX, students have the right to request reasonable modifications due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. These accommodations may include, but are not limited to, excused absences; adjustments to class sessions, exams, tests, project deadlines, field trips, and any other required activities; the opportunity to make up work missed for pregnancy-related reasons; extension of normative time for academic milestones; and parental leave.
If a student has a need for academic modifications, they can be made with the course instructor. The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) can be a resource for you in understanding your rights and options and support you in making a plan for continuing your education.