Sexual violence and sexual harassment, including relationship violence, stalking, and other forms of harm

Sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH), including relationship violence, stalking and other conduct prohibited by the UC SVSH Policy(link is external) may have a significant negative impact on a student's ability to participate in educational endeavors. The campus Addressing SVSH Hub website provides information about supportive measures for survivors of SVSH(link is external)

The best place for a student to start is the confidential PATH to Care Center(link is external). PATH to Care advocates can provide support and help you navigate your options, including supportive measures. For 24/7 urgent support, please call the Care Line at (510) 643-2005. The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination(link is external) (OPHD) helps resolve complaints of discrimination and harassment and can also assist you with supportive measures.

Note: Students and employees are entitled to request reasonable supportive measures without the need to disclose everything that happened in detail.