Athletics and other extracurricular activities

Occasionally, a student's participation in athletics or other extracurricular activities (such as tournaments, practices, short-term service obligations for reservists and members of the National Guard, performances, rehearsals, interview weeks, debates) may conflict with academic requirements (classes, exams, project due dates, field trips, etc.).

A good place for a student to start is to talk to their instructor. 

Information from the Academic Senate Guidelines Concerning Scheduling Conflicts with Academic Requirements: "It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor (or designated GSI), in writing, before the end of the second week of term of all foreseeable conflicts between the syllabus (classes, exams, project due dates, field trips) and scheduled practices, matches, games, potential tournaments, interview weeks, performances, and other activities in which the student will be participating (or may be participating) that would require absence from academic activities during the semester, as well as to provide a proposal for resolving these conflicts."

The following can be a resource for student-athletes: